Partner with TodayPay

Simplify refunds for your customers with TodayPay's innovative platform

Partners powering TodayPay

“We are excited to serve as the underlying technology powering TodayPay’s journey to make financial services a fairer, more seamless experience for consumers.”

“The (TodayPay) team understands the importance of maintaining a robust compliance program exceptionally well"
- Alloy

“TodayPay is solving a critical consumer pain point through real-time access to refunds."
- Astra

“TodayPay is like Klarna for refunds.”
- Ezri

“TodayPay is revolutionizing the refunds industry and our partnership is an unstoppable combo for the next era of payments.”
- GrailPay

“We’re excited to work closely with the dynamic leadership team at TodayPay to enable them to reduce friction and deliver a seamless experience for their customers.”
- Marqeta

“We’re thrilled to find partners in TodayPay as it innovates to improve the refund process and helps merchants create a more positive e-commerce experience for their customers.”
- Shippo

“The way that retail handles refunds has needed some real innovation for some time and TodayPay is finally doing this.”
- Tango

“Expanding access to financial tools and services is core to Visa’s purpose – uplifting everyone everywhere – and we’re excited to work with companies like TodayPay in bringing new solutions and approaches to this challenge.”
- Visa

Benefits for your business with
Refunds as a ServiceTM

Increase shopping basket size and reduce cart abandonment

Increase loyalty, satisfaction and customer lifetime value

Access to advanced payments technology

Refund choice means speed and more options for consumer spending

API ready for Enterprise

{} API Integration

curl--request POST\
    --url ''\
    --header 'Authorisation: Basic YOUR_API_CREDENTIALS' \
    --header 'Accept: application/json' \
    --header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
    --data '{
    "refund": {
    "reason": "size_mismatch",
    "amount_in_cents": 10000,
    "currency": "usd"
    "tracking_number": "123454438344838838",
    "provider_name": "fedex"

Copy API

Seamless store integration to use TodayPay

Seamless integration in
your stack or store

TodayPay works with the merchant's existing systems

Compatible e-commerce platforms and payment gateways
Easy-to-use API documentation and developer tools
Seamless integration with existing refund processes

Get TodayPay Now

The refund revolution has started, which side are you on?

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